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Welcome to the Official 'Property Tax Watchdog Group' Website 

Many property owners are too busy with running their businesses, working their jobs and/or simply trying to live their lives to become informed and/or involved with what those who are governing over them are deciding for us as far as property taxes are concerned.  Many do not even find out about increases and/or the reasons for the increases until long after it's been passed and/or they receive the bill, and at that juncture...well, it's too late to complain.  If a property owner cannot pay and/or choose not to pay their property taxes they risk losing their property altogether.  Thus, comparing increases in property taxes to our choices in how we choose to spend our month-to-month discretionary income is ludicrous, to say the least. 

Those in government often times get pressured into budgeting in 'pet projects' and/or what most would consider nonessential services simply to remain popular so they can get re-elected.  Even those wanting to become informed ahead often times find it difficult to do so in time for them to formulate an informed opinion for themselves, much less tell others what they think.  This can be frustrating and even maddening to some, especially when they are already on a tight budget and what's being asked of them seems unjustified, unreasonable and/or altogether nonessential.


'Property Tax Watchdog Group' is an independent, nonpartisan voice for those affected by property taxes.  It was formed to help ensure that taxpayer dollars being collected are spent responsibly, and that the governments given taxing authority to do so are operating within their means.  It was started in 2022 in response to a ground swell of opposition to a proposal for a 300% higher 'Library Tax' for property owners in the Victor Farmington Library District - which includes all of the Village of Victor and portions of the Towns of Farmington and Victor in Ontario County, portions of the Town of Perinton in Monroe County, and portions of the Town of Macedon in Wayne County (Source: Wikipedia 04-11-2022).  We have been asked to assist in communications and a public awareness campaign advocating that voters 'JUST VOTE NO' on the proposal being put forth at the Victor Central School on May 17th 2022.  Depending upon our success and/or the profitability of this endeavor, we may be open to helping out in other local projects moving forward.  All we can say at this juncture is that we'll give it our best shot.

'Property Tax Watchdog Group' is an independent, nonpartisan voice for those affected by changes in property taxes. It was formed to help ensure that taxpayer dollars being collected are spent responsibly, and that the governments given taxing authority to do so are operating properly and within their means. Under the DMCA or Digital Millennium Copyright Act, all content published online is protected under copyright law, regardless of it having the copyright symbol on the page. Any content, no matter the form it takes (whether digital, print, or media) is protected under copyright law. < Source: